

Choosing the perfect baby stroller for your little one can seem like a daunting task for a parent. There are so many options, from colours to sizes and special features. With a little information on uses and safety, you should be able to choose the gear that is perfect for you.

What types of baby strollers are there?

There are many factors to consider when choosing a stroller for your baby. You will need to think of your child's age, safety concerns, frequency of use, location of use, and how many children you want to be able to transport.

  • Travel systems: Travel systems are among the most versatile of options. Most will allow for use from the time your baby is an infant until they are ready to walk on their own. Most options come with an infant car seat that can easily be moved from a base in your car to the stroller frame and back again. Any parent who has a newborn knows that this feature can be invaluable as you do not want to remove your infant from the car seat if he or she is napping. Many travel systems also have seats that you can attach to the frame once your toddler is no longer in a newborn car seat. These seats may face forward, backward, or both.
  • Jogging stroller: A jogger features larger wheels with thick rubber tires to absorb shock and a reclined seat. Joggers are designed to give your baby a smooth ride as you are going for a run whether you are running through the paved streets of your neighbourhood or through rougher terrain in the woods. These should not be used until your baby is at least 6 months old.
  • Lightweight / Umbrella: If you live in a large city or have an apartment that requires you to climb several flights of stairs, a lightweight stroller or umbrella stroller is a must. These options do not have all the bells and whistles of a travel system, but they are easy to maneuver through crowds. They are also perfect for travel, as they fold up and are easy to take on a plane.
  • Carriage: A carriage is a basic stroller that can come in many price ranges. They feature seats that recline for nap time. They have storage baskets, cupholders for parents and baby, and many other features. Some have an optional bassinet, which allows your little one to lie flat. Many also have a function that allows you to attach a car seat.
  • Stroller options for multiple children: If you have multiples or an older child that still needs to ride, you will want to look for a double stroller. Double strollers feature seats side by side or front to back. You will want to consider how you plan to use your double stroller in choosing which option will be the best for you. Some double strollers are made for one older and one younger child while others are more suitable for children of the same age.